Comparison of Israel’s Iron Dome Vs S-400 Russian, Price, Success Rate

3 min readMay 19, 2021

What is S-400 Defense System?

S-400 which was previously known as S-300PMU-3 is an anti-aircraft weapon system of Russia that was developed in 1990 by the Russia Almaz Central Design Bureau.

The s400 missile system has been in service since 2007. The first buyer of the S-400 missile system works in China in 2014.

what is the Iron Dome defense system?

Iron Dome is an air defense system of Israel that was developed by Rafael’s advanced defense system and Israel’s aerospace industries. The iron dome system was designed to intercept and destroy shorter and rockets and artillery shells that perform 4 kilometers to 70 kilometers away. The iron dome watch initially deploys in 2011.

The system has the capability to identify and destroy such a project before the land of Israel territory and is now one of the most effective anti-missile systems in the world.

Success Rate of Iron Dome

Rafael claims a success rate of over 90%, with more than 2,000 interceptions, however, experts agree the success rate is over 80%.

The iron dome missile defense system has three components

  1. The design and tracking radar
  2. The battle management and
  3. The weapon control system the missile firing unit.

Iron doms rocket cost about $20,000 is and fire from the team-operated battery and injected with battery diploid radar-guided early warning system, the iron dome relies on high-resolution electronically scan array radar to detect and track upcoming missile.

According to the estimate in 2021, the Palestine militant group had the original about 30,000 rockets and moter bombs in Gaza.

Funding of Iron Dome

Initial funding and development for the iron dome system were provided by Israel. Along with funding for supplying is been provided by the United State.

In May 2010 US President Barack Obama 205 million dollar budget tools for the production and development of iron dome batteries. Again in 2012 test date sanction 680 million dollars for the iron dome.

Since 2011 United States invested around 900 million dollars for technology sharing available for the production of the iron dome in the United State.


S-400 is a top-of-the-line SAM designed to shoot down maneuvering top-of-the-line fighters.

Iron dome shoots a very average missile that was made to be as cost-efficient as possible against 1m long explosive cans flying in a parabolic path. The specialty of the S-400 that it can shoot down a plane from 100s of kilometers (as advertised).

The specialty of the Iron Dome is that it can detect a missile fired from 4 km away or less without warning, analyze its course, determine if it’s a threat if so sound an alarm, and intercept it with a 90%+ success rate within the available 15 seconds of its flight.

Originally published at on May 19, 2021.




interested in military stories, international Affairs